
Lead Total Market


Every day I get more amazed at how many clients and agencies are so disconnected.

Clients wants to sell. Agencies wants praises. The client wants a big bonus. The creative a big award. And that friction is less and less conducive to achieve both agency and client’s goals, especially now that our industry changes every ten minutes. So I want to bring my more than 25 years experience in growing clients, make long term relationships with them and have them happy. Because, there is such a thing as a happy client. With me on board, everybody wins. Agency gets great, smart work. Agency gets excited and happy to be dealing with somebody that completely understand them. They get their big bonus at the end of the year, and the agency keeps the client for another year.

Don’t believe me? Ask AutoZone.


How "I did it” for AutoZone

Before I took on as a Creative Lead for AutoZone, the account was about to leave Havas. In Fact. Havas had already lost the account. My ex boss gave me 3 months to do something. Well… We kept the account at the agency for 2 and a half more year with never before seen results for the client. My ex boss left. The client Stayed. 
First thing was understanding the client’s needs. Switch the strategy to empower consumers, instead of talking about ourselves. Then we developed simple, very hard working spots. Simple. Smart. Relevant. And Total Market. 

6 seconds is enough

When you help you client realized that the other big chunk of their customers pronounce the name of their company AutoZón and that for them it is a synonymous of solution, we made this.



I hope you never have to deal with a dead battery. But you will.